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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Voicing messages in python, or fun with Google Translate.

This will be a quite short article, that will describe how to voice some text via using google translate. I don't know where we can use this, but i am sure that you may face situation, where this feature will be useful. Besides, as for me - it's also simple and interesting.
I decided to create python package "speak" that will give us functionality for voicing string messages. As for example i will simplify the implementation of the package, so don't judge the source code too strict.

All source code is available on bitbucket. But first i suggest you to follow this article, write some code by your self and if something is going wrong check my sources.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Flask - lightweight and awesome. Adding UI and creating first module.(part2)

Creation of the first module and basic UI for our app.

For some reasons i can not imagine how to develop some software withour two things - modular architecture and unit-tests. I like to design loosely coupled architecture, to be able to reuse parts of one app in other. This saves me a lot of time, and gives some esthetic pleasure.
So in this article i will cover:

 1. Blueprints - as a tool for separating flask app into modules.
 2. Creating "Hello-world" module.
 3. Adding some static to antigravity-app (base markup)
 4. Adding templates, connecting them to views.

If you haven't done the first part of my flask tutorials i suggest you to read my previous post and create the basic app structure for this article.

All source code is available on bitbucket.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Flask - lightweight and awesome. Get started - creating antigravity-app (part1)

Part 1. Intro,configuration of  development environment, creating backbone for flask app.

Why flask?
Actually i don't want to propagate and ensure you that flask is a good choice for building web app. Let's say - you need to try it by your self at first, and after that, you will do all conclusions.

Haven't hear anything about flask?
One of a big advantages of this framework is it's mailing list, community and good documentation. So i suggest you to find some basic information on this page and only after that return to this article.
All tutorial sources is available on bitbucket

Why do we need a strange app with a weird name "antigravity-app"?
I am going to cover a number of aspects of building flask apps in this blog. So, to prevent repeatition of creation new test app for each separate article i suggest you to follow this tutorial and create basic modular app. Lets call it antigravity-app. Every new feature that i will  be explaining later - will be just new module for our antigravity-app.